



[2024] Sergio Pizziol - OGE GROUND-RISK LICENSE-FREE APPROACH - ONERA technical report RT 4/32240 DTIS – January 2024


[2023] Sylvain Bertrand, Stephanie Lala, Nicolas Raballand - Handling Uncertainties in Ground Risk Buffer Computation for Risk Assessment and Preparation of UAV Operations, Proceeding Paper presented at the ICUAS 2023, June, 6 2023


[2022] Xavier Olive, Patrick Le Blaye - A Quantitative Approach to Air Traffic Safety at Very Low Levels, Proceeding Paper presented at the 10th OpenSky Symposium, Delft, The Netherlands, 10–11 November 2022.

[2022] - Sergio Pizziol1, Christel Seguin, Pierre Bieber, Alexandre Bignan, Kevin Delmas and Tatiana Prosvirnova, Failure Propagation and Graphical Representation Guidelines for Altarica


[Boniol-al 2021] Frédéric Boniol, Adrien Chan-Hon-Tong, Kevin Delmas, Stéphane Herbin, Guy Le Besnerais, Claire Pagetti, PHYDIAS Lot 5 – Sûreté des systèmes de perception basés vision : synthèse finale » - 31 mai 2021

[Dubot-al 2021] T. Dubot, A. Joulia, “Towards U-space conflict management services based on 4D protection bubbles”, in AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM (p. 2347), 2021.

[Delmas 2021] Kevin Delmas. PHYDIAS : étude de sécurité du drone FAZER. Rapport technique ONERA RT 7/26985 DTIS – juillet 2021

[LeBlaye-al 2021] P. Le Blaye ; A. Desantis, “Facteurs Humains et Interactions Homme-système dans la supervision des systèmes de drone”, rapport technique ONERA 4/28350 DTIS, janvier 2021.

[Levasseur-al 2021] B. Levasseur, S. Bertrand, “Impact Probability Maps Computation and Risk Analysis for 3D Ground Infrastructures due to UAV Operations”, International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Athens, Greece, 2021.

[Marzat-al 2021] J. Marzat, B. Cadalen, A. Eudes “PHYDIAS - Rapport de synthèse du Poste 1- Lot 4 : Systems Adaptatifs - Fonction de localisation multi-capteurs”, rapport technique ONERA RT 5/28350 DTIS, juin 2021. 

[Morio-al 2021] J. Morio, B. Levasseur, S. Bertrand, “Drone Ground Impact Footprints with Importance Sampling: Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis”, in Applied Sciences, 11(9), 3871, 2021.

[Serru-al 2021] T. Serru, K. Delmas, “A Comprehensive Probabilistic Assessment Method of UAS Ground Collision Risk”, 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference, Angers, France, 2021.


[Boniol-al 2020] Frédéric Boniol, Adrien Chan-Hon-Tong, Alexandre Eudes, Stéphane Herbin, Guy Le Besnerais, et al.. Challenges in the Certification of Computer Vision-Based Systems. Aerospace Lab, Alain Appriou, 2020, ff10.12762/2020.AL15-06ff. ffhal-03058399f

[Jenn-al 2020] Eric Jenn & all. Identifying challenges to the certification of machine learning for safety critical systems.  Actes de la conference ERTS 2020

[Levasseur-al 2020] B. Levasseur, S. Bertrand, N. Raballand, “Efficient Generation of Ground Impact Probability Maps by Neural Networks for Risk Analysis of UAV Missions”, International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Athens, Greece, 2020.


[Delmas-al 2019] K. DelmasC. SeguinP. Bieber.”Tiered Model-Based Safety Assessment”Publications dans les actes de la conférence IMBSA 2019, Oct 2019, Thessalonique, Greece. pp.141-156, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-32872-6_10⟩