
## [0.10.3] - 2019-02-26
### Added
- ChangeLog file
### Changed
- INSTALL file : about blas libraries
### Deprecated
### Removed
### Fixed
- FindBLAS error to find cblas
- Default number of processes to launch ctest

## [0.10.2] - 2018-12-17
### Added
- New CMake option : CWP_ENABLE_BLAS (default value = FALSE)
### Changed
### Deprecated
### Removed
### Fixed
- Cython was missing -lcwp to build python module
- FindBLAS error

## [0.10.1] - 2018-11-27
### Added
### Changed
### Deprecated
### Removed
### Fixed
- Compatibily between high order functions and old linear functions

## [0.10.0] - 2018-11-12
### Added
- INSTALL file
- cwipi_ho_define_mesh : Define a high order mesh interface
- cwipi_ho_options_set : Define high order options
- cwipi_ho_ordering_from_IJK_set : Define the internal numbering of a high order element
- cwipi_ho_set_interpolation_function : Define a user interpolation for a high order mesh
- python and C high order API
- CMake build system
### Changed
- libcwipi -> libcwp
- libfvm and libbftc are incluted into libcwp
- libcwipi_f -> libcwpf
### Deprecated
### Removed
- Autototools build system
### Fixed