About the WATERS industrial challenge
The purpose of the WATERS industrial challenge is to share ideas, experiences and solutions to concrete timing verification problems issued from real industrial case studies. It also aims at promoting discussions, closer interactions, cross fertilization of ideas and synergies across the breadth of the real-time research community, as well as attracting industrial practitioners from different domains having a specific interest in timing verification.
The 2018 industrial challenge
This year, Emmanuel Ledinot from Dassault Aviation purposes a challenge based on the RESSAC use-case, μXAV: A collaborative development assurance lab. The challenge description is available on the forum.
Previous industrial challenges still active
The 2017 challenge was proposed by Arne Hamann, Simon Kramer, Martin Lukasiewycz and Dirk Ziegenbein from Robert Bosch GMBH. The description and previous solutions are available on the forum.
The 2015 challenge was proposed by Rafik Henia and Laurent Rioux from Thales Research & Technology France. The description and previous solutions are available on the forum.
Industrial challenges @WATERS
A session will be devoted to the presentation of the solutions to the industrial challenges. Solutions to the 2018, 2017 and 2015 challenges are welcome. Authors of accepted submissions will have the opportunity to give a short talk during that session and present their solution to the ECRTS audience during the interactive demo session. Depending on the participation, a joint publication of the challenge solutions will be considered. Please note that we aim at a collaborative reviewing process: your submission implies that you agree to participate as a reviewer to the (light-weight) evaluation of contributions submitted by others.