Again this year, we offer a flexible submission format, allowing both papers (6 pages IEEE format) and proposals for a technical presentation (1 page IEEE format).
We also welcome proposals for panel discussions. If you are interested please contact the WATERS’18 chairs.
The workshop seeks interesting and innovative contributions and surveys on methods and tools for real-time and embedded systems analysis, simulation, modelling and benchmarking. We seek quality work describing well-engineered, highly reusable, possibly open, tools, methodologies, and data sets that can be used by other researchers. Whenever possible, authors are strongly encouraged to make their code and data available.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Tools and methods for the analysis of real-time systems
- Realistic case studies and reusable data sets
- Comparative evaluation of existing algorithms and techniques
- Modelling, analysis and simulation of, possibly mixed-criticality, real-time, distributed, and embedded systems running on multi-core, many-core, massively parallel, or distributed systems
- Modelling, analysis and simulation of the various components of the run-time environment, including the operating system, the hypervisor, or complex middleware components
- Instrumentation, tracing methods and overhead analysis, including proper accounting of the overheads due to various virtualization technologies
- Power consumption models and experimental data for real-time power-aware systems
- Simulation, instrumentation and analysis of complex distributed systems infrastructures such as Cloud Computing infrastructures, when supporting real-time and QoS-aware applications
Focus of the 2018 edition
Modern embedded systems (e.g. ADAS in automotive or mobile robotics) are characterized by the fusion of several application domains (e.g. control, cognition, high-level planning, etc.) onto the same digital HW platform. Each of these application domains is characterized by different execution requirements and follows different models of computation. As a consequence, classical models in isolation are not sufficient to predict real-time and performance properties. We encourage submissions proposing novel models or combining existing models for analyzing real-time and performance properties for such heterogeneous systems.
Call for challenge solutions
This year Dassault Aviation proposes a new WATERS challenge based on the RESSAC use-case. Solutions to the previous challenges proposed by Robert Bosch GmbH and Thales Research and Technology are still welcome. Details about last years challenges and solutions can be found in the WATERS forum.
Demo session at the ECRTS main conference
Together with the Work-in-Progress poster session and reception, authors of contributions accepted at WATERS (regular contributions and challenge solutions) will have the opportunity to show demonstrations of their work to all ECRTS participants on June 28th. This is one of the most attractive and interactive events at the conference. All prospective authors are very much encouraged to consider this opportunity. Technical requirements regarding demos must be provided at the same time as paper final versions.
Submission instructions
Submission instructions can be found here.