Olivier Marquet participates to XXIII Congresso – Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata, in Salerno, Italy.
He gives a talk on the Fluid-solid-electric stability analysis for the control of a flexible splitter plate. In this work, shunted piezo-electric patches are embedded on a elastic splitter plate
to suppress their flow-induced vibrations. The equations governing the electric circuit are coupled to the equations governing the fluid-solid dynamics. A stability analysis of the fully coupled fluid-solid-electric problem is performed and values of the electrical resistance are varied to stabilize the leading eigenmodes.
We investigate the passive control of a flutter instability arising for an elastic plate clamped at the rear of a rigid cylinder immersed in a low Reynolds number flow. Shunted piezoelectric patches are placed on the elastic plate and used to suppress or reduce the deformation of the plate. A classical Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian formulation (ALE) is used to describe the coupled fluid-structure dynamics with a monolithic approach. The passive control problem is here addressed by performing a linear stability analysis of the fully coupled fluid-solid-electric problem. For the values of the non-dimensional parameters investigated - Reynolds number Re = 80, bending stiffness K = 0:3 and solid/fluid density ratio = 50 - the modal stability analysis of the fluid-structure configuration shows the existence of an unstable oscillating mode, responsible for the onset of the plate deformation. By connecting the piezoelectric patches to a simple resistive shunt circuit, this mode can be stabilized for a finite range of electrical resistance Re values. The dependence of the stability properties of the fluid-solid-electric system on the piezoelectric and shunt-circuit parameters is investigated and the physical mechanisms underlying the suppression of the unstable mode are analysed.
The slides of the talk are available here. The conference paper is available here.
The full-programm of the conference is available on the website http://www.aimeta2017.unisa.it/