Principal Investigator

Dr. Olivier Marquet


In 2003, Olivier received an engineering degree from Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées ENSTA (France) and a master degree in mechanical engineering, speciality in fluid mechanics, from Université Pierre et Marie Curie UMPC (France).  He joined ONERA in march 2003 for a master intership about the turbulent wake of a sphere in shear flows. In october 2003, he received a PhD grant from the Armaments Procurement Agency (DGA) and started a his doctoral thesis at the ONERA Fundamental and Experimental Aerodynamics Departement (DAFE) under the supervision of Pr. Laurent Jacquin (ONERA), Pr Denis Sipp (ONERA) and Pr Jean-Paul Bonnet (University of Poitiers, France). in December 2007, he received a doctoral degree from the University of Poitiers for his work on the Global stability and control of recirculating flows. In January 2008, he obtained a Junior Research Fellowship from DGA and started a one-year postdoctoral project at the Universität der Bundeswehr in Munich (Germany) in the team of Pr. Dr. Jorn Sesterhenn. In 2009, he came back to France for a one-year post-doctoral project on the optimal forcing of boundary laryer instabilities, at Laboratoire d'Hydrodynamique (LadHyx) from Ecole Polytechnique and ONERA-DAFE. In January 2010, he got a permanent position as research engineer within the Fluid Mechanics Unit (MFLU) of ONERA-DAFE. In March 2015, he received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council for the project AEROFLEX, AEROelastic instabilities and control of FLEXible structures. In 2016, he became Maitre de Recherche at ONERA and member of the scientific council for the Energetic and Fluid Mechanics branch. Since January 2018, he is a senior research scientist in the Metrology, Assimilation and Flow Physcis Unit (MAPE for Metrologie, Assimilation et Physique des Ecoulements) of the ONERA Aerodynamics, Aeroelasticity and Acoustics Department (DAAA).


Dr. Marie Couliou


In 2012, Marie received an engineering degree from Ecole Nationale De Mécanique et D’Aérotechnique ISAE-ENSMA (France) and a master degree in mechanical engineering with a speciality in aerodynamics from Université de Poitiers (France). Marie did her PhD studies at ENSTA (France) in the Department of Mechanics (IMSIA) under the supervision of Prof. Romain Monchaux working on the experimental and numerical study of the growth of turbulent spots in plane Couette flow. After receiving her doctoral degree in October 2015, Marie started a post-doctoral position on the effects of hairy poro-elastic surfaces on turbulent flow structures at KTH (Sweden). Since March 2017, she is employed as a permanent research engineer within the Experimental Aerodynamics Unit (AMES) of ONERA-DAAA.