Quantum technology laboratory of ONERA

Quantum technology laboratory of ONERA

QTech is the quantum technology laboratory of ONERA, the French Aerospace Lab.  QTech's mission is to federate activities related to the applications of quantum physics to the aeronautics, space and defense fields. It is a transverse laboratory, which involves about thirty researchers from different departments of ONERA.



  • The QTECH lab on the Euronaval Talks channel

    Alix Valenti, international defence and security expert, brought together three quantum technology specialists on the Euronaval Talks stage on Monday 6 June 2024. The principles and challenges of this technological breakthrough for the naval sector were clearly explained. Replay on youtube https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy0zSWxoCLchCaWex8_IVzBugsAUBz44Z&si=nwiodtt5kxOYS12X

    With Sylvain Schwartz (ONERA, Head of QTech lab), Cédric Tavernier (Hensoldt, cryptography expert), Myriam Nouvel (Quantum Project Leader Thales)


  • France Quantum Conference


    France Quantum 2023 Conference - June 13, 2023: Patrick Aufort, Director of the French Defense Innovation Agency, and Sylvain Schwartz, Head of the QTech laboratory, discuss quantum technologies for defense and space. Video. Vidéo


  • Inauguration of the QTech laboratory - 8/2/22

    The inauguration seminar of the QTech laboratory took place on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, in the Poincaré amphitheatre at the École polytechnique, in the presence of Bruno Sainjon, Chairman and CEO of ONERA, and Jacques Marilossian, Member of the French Parliament. About 100 people - scientists, industrialists and institutions - attended the various talks and presentations.

  • The second quantum revolution in podcast


    Sylvain Schwartz, quantum physicist at ONERA and director of the QTECH laboratory, discusses in a podcast the promises of the second quantum revolution (underway) and evokes the path already taken at ONERA.



For more information, you can contact the laboratory manager.