Scientific council

Members of the Scientific Council of the QTech laboratory

  • Alain Aspect, professor at the Institute of Optics, CNRS research director, Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 [chairman of the SC] about
  •  Cyril Allouche, director of the ATOS Quantum R&D Program about 
  • Fabien Bretenaker, CNRS research director - director of the LuMIn research laboratory research page 
  • Fabrice Devaux, professor at UFC-Besançon, researcher at Femto-ST about 
  • Eleni Diamanti, research director at CNRS, researcher at LIP6 (Sorbonne University) about 
  • Stephan Roche professor at ICREA and leader of the Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience group at ICN2 (Catalonia)
  • Pierre Rouchon, professor at Mines ParisTech/Centre automatique et systèmes about 
  • Sébastien Tanzilli, research director at CNRS, deputy director of the Institut de Physique de Nice about