Contact : Alain Refloch (alain.refloch @
For example, ONERA is studying how quantum computing could contribute to this type of unsteady simulation (combustion, aerospace) under industrial conditions (image from classical computing - Luc-Henry Dorey, DMPE/ONERA & GENCI)
If combinatorial optimization problems are good challengers for quantum computing, ONERA, which massively uses its internal and external computing power for the resolution of partial differential equations, is seeking to evaluate the potential of quantum speedup in this area.
In this context, ONERA is involved in two PAQ projects (Quantum Pack program), funded by the Île-de-France region with Genci:
- with Airbus and the startup Pasqal in connection with aerodynamics: AQUAEDP - Quantum advantage for the resolution of partial differential equations
- with the startup Quandela on combustion with the support of MBDA: AQCMA - Quantum advantage for engine design in aeronautics
A Rapid project funded by the AID (Defense Innovation Agency), called VulQain (Quantum Simulation Platform for Combustion in NISQ mode), is being set up. It is led by the startup ColibriTD with the participation of Atos (through its QML - Quantum Machine Learning).
ONERA, as a partner of the CCRT (Centre de calcul recherche et technologie, CEA), has access to the Quartz machine.