In the study of coordination of multiagent networks, a large number of consensus problems have been studied. In a network consisting of a leader, all followers converge to the leader's states and achieve consensus. On the other hand, in networks containing more than one leader, it is more appropriate to speak of containment control, which consists in making all followers' states converge to a convex hull determined by the leaders' initial states. However, when the network contains multiple leaders and interactions with signed weights, the containment objective is no more achievable. For this case, we address the distributed bipartite containment tracking-control problem for autonomous vehicles described by first and second-order systems, and steered by multiple cooperative and competitive leaders. Because of the existence of multiple leaders and antagonistic interations, the followers' states converge to a residual compact set determined by the cooperative leaders' initial conditions and competitive leaders' symmetric initial conditions. For this bipartite containment set, we establish global exponential stability and we compute the exact equilibria to which all agents converge. We provide strict Lyapunov functions and establish robustness with respect to external disturbances. Finally, we present some first results on the distributed control of a multiagent system interconnected over a signed undirected network and we suppose that agents must keep a certain distance from each other to avoid inter-agent collisions. In order to take into account these constraints, we base our control law on the gradient of a barrier Lyapunov function.
Lieu : salle de réunions CP-NB.03.62 de l'ONERA à Palaiseau.
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