Numerical simulation of unsteady flow and noise from an academic spoiler configuration
In the context of the INVENTOR project, the CERFACS contribution to the spoiler activity was twofold. Firstly, an academic configuration involving several spoiler geometries was studied in the anechoic wind tunnel facility at the University of Southampton (SotonAWT), combining aerodynamic measurements and acoustic measurements (Figure 1).
The different geometries were simulated using a Large Eddy Simulation based on the Lattice Boltzmann Method (ProLB solver) (Figure 2). Acoustics results were evaluated and compared to experimental data such as flyover microphones placed above the spoiler. The simulations agree well with the reference data and illustrate the capability of the chosen numerical method to properly predict the noise source generated by a spoiler.
In the continuity of this study, a realistic configuration of High Lift Devices (Figure 3) was tackled where five spoiler geometries were evaluated. Best practices were defined to numerically study the noise generated by different spoiler angles as well as the presence of slat and flap elements.

Figure 1: Experimental setup used in SotonAWT for different methodologies: (a) Far-field Acoustics;
(b) Wake hotwire measurements.

Figure 2 : Large Eddy Simulation based on the Lattice Boltzmann Method (ProLB solver)
Figure 3: Experimental setup used in SotonAWT for different methodologies: (a) Far-field Acoustics;
(b) Wake hotwire measurements