Technical Review and Project Management Meeting 4
Novotel Bucharest City Centre, Bucharest, Romania (and Webex)
October, 21st, 2024

INVENTOR 4th (Final) Technical Review and Project Management Meeting (TRM-PMM-4) was held on October 21, 2024 as a hybrid meeting (face-to-face at Novotel Bucharest City Centre, Bucharest, Romania, and through Webex). The purpose of this meeting was 1/ to present the technical progress in all INVENTOR’s workpackages since the WP3/WP4 Technical Review Meeting held at Trinity College Dublin in April 2024 and share information about all performed activities, and 2/ to prepare the third and final Periodic Reporting to be closed by end of 2024.
This meeting is part of a full week of events organized by the Aeroacoustics Specialists Committee of the Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS-ASC), with the following agenda.
- Mon, Oct 21: TRM-PMM-4 restricted to the INVENTOR Consortium and Advisory Board
- Tue-Wed Oct 22-23: 25th CEAS-ASC Workshop – The topic of this public workshop has been redirected to “Airframe Noise Reduction: Needs, Challenges and Opportunities” to serve as the contractual INVENTOR Dissemination Workshop, with 2 keynotes lectures and 11 technical presentations given by INVENTOR partners.
- Thu, Oct 24 morning: CEAS-ASC, ASD/EIMG, NFP/AVNEX meetings
- Thu, Oct 24 afternoon and Fri, Oct 25 morning: PULSAR public workshop
On Monday October 21st evening, the 17 present participants gathered in the restaurant “Hanu'Lui Manuc” for an unformal consortium dinner.
This 4th Technical Review Meeting plans to
- focus on results or analysis obtained in WP3, WP4 and WP5 (note that WP2 is only concerned with recent activities in WP5) since the Technical Review Meeting held in Trinity College Dublin in April 2024,
- start collecting elements towards the final assessment of the studied NRTs and the implemented methods and tools (experimental/numerical), assessments that will contribute to the Final Review Meeting (Dec 16th in Bruxels) and the associated report.
Note that activities in INVENTOR WPs have different progress status:
- Activities in WP3-WP4 are almost completed, with (generally) limited activities achieved since April. Consequently, those WPs are ready to start final assessment (at least at component level).
- WP5 has generated a lot of new analysis in the last 6 months, but the final assessment at airframe level (small scale) and aircraft level (extrapolation to full scale) is very recent (or going).
For all studied NRTs and implemented methods/approach, we need to collect elements describing:
- the main achievements,
- the lessons learnt,
- the final assessment and perspectives.
I complement, the 4th Project Management Meeting plans to organize the last remaining activities in INVENTOR, namely:
- the completion of the last missing deliverables,
- the retro-planning for the preparation of the third and final Periodic Reporting, including the technical reporting, to be closed by end of 2024 with the Final Periodic Review on Dec 16, and the financial reporting, to be closed by end of March 2025.