Type 'help gss/rname'
if rname
is an overloaded routine or 'help rname'
otherwise to get detailed information about the routine rname
(description, call, input and output arguments, examples).
GSS objects generation
gss | Core function for GSS objects generation |
sym2gss | Create GSS objects from symbolic expressions |
data2gss | Create GSS objects from tabulated data |
Overloaded routines
gss/plus | Addition of two GSS objects |
gss/minus | Subtraction of two GSS objects |
gss/uminus | Change the sign of a GSS object |
gss/mtimes | Multiplication of two GSS objects |
gss/mrdivide | Right division for GSS objects |
gss/mldivide | Left division for GSS objects |
gss/inv | Inverse of a GSS object |
gss/mpower | Repeated product of a GSS object |
gss/horzcat | Horizontal concatenation of GSS objects |
gss/vertcat | Vertical concatenation of GSS objects |
gss/append | Append inputs and outputs of GSS objects |
gss/transpose | Transpose of a GSS object |
gss/ctranspose | Conjugate transpose of a GSS object |
gss/ss | Construct a GSS object from state-space matrices |
gss/tf | Construct a GSS object from numerator and denominator |
gss/feedback | Feedback connection of two GSS objects |
gss/eq | Check if two GSS objects are equal |
gss/ne | Check if two GSS objects are not equal |
gss/isempty | Check if a GSS object is empty |
gss/eval | Evaluate a GSS object |
gss/subsref | Subscripted reference for GSS objects |
gss/end | Index of last I/O of a GSS object |
gss/length | Length of a GSS object |
gss/size | Size of a GSS objecta |
gss/display | Display a GSS object |
gss/get | Obtain some properties of a GSS object |
gss/set | Change some properties of a GSS object |
gss | Convert various objects to GSS objects |
gssdata | Get matrices and dimensions of a GSS object |
abcd2gss | From static GSS objects to dynamic GSS objects |
lfr2gss | Convert LFR objects into GSS objects |
gss2lfr | Convert GSS objects into LFR objects |
uss2gss | Convert USS objects into GSS objects |
gss2uss | Convert GSS objects into USS objects |
Manipulation of the $\Delta$ block
dbnorm | Normalize a GSS object |
dbunorm | Unnormalize a GSS object |
dborder | Reorder the Delta blocks of a GSS object |
dbsample | Generate random samples from a GSS object |
Order reduction
mingss | Reduce the order of a GSS object |
setnorm | Set preference for GSS objects normalization |
setred | Set preference for GSS objects reduction |
Simulink interface
slk2gss | From Simulink block diagrams to GSS objects |
gsslib | Simulink library for GSS objects manipulation |
checkgss | Check whether a GSS object is consistent |
distgss | Compute the distance between two GSS objects |