AI4Aerospace Workshop

By gpicard, 3 July, 2024
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AILab organized, jointly with the DLR, the 4th workshop on "Advances in Artificial Intelligence for Aerospace Engineering”  at ODAS 2024, in Braunschweig, Germany, in June 10th and 11th, 2024.

In the scope of an agreement for cooperation in Artificial Intelligence (AI), signed in 2019, DLR and ONERA jointly consider AI research challenges in a number of application fields of particular importance in the aeronautics and space domains such as: robotics and autonomy in aerospace systems, hybrid simulation, digital transformation of aerospace industry, processing of geospatial information for earth observation.

Below the general objective of strengthening our collaborative work, the workshop has two sub objectives:

  • Networking, the proposed presentation can be either a cooperation proposal from permanent researchers of one research institution or on-going cooperative works from permanent researchers of both institutions.
  • Presentation of research results, the expected presenters of current advances of AI research work at DLR or ONERA concerning the use of AI in space and aeronautics, are doctoral students, post-docs and permanent researchers from the two institutions involved either in the development of techniques or in their application to the various fields targeted within the framework of cooperation.

The workshop encourages exchanges about the use of AI in different areas such as:

  • Space robotics,
  • Earth observation, 
  • Computational fluid dynamics,
  • Aerospace industry,
  • Flight control,
  • Mission management,
  • Health monitoring, and
  • Maintenance.

Nevertheless, other application topics and fundamental AI topics are also welcome.

This year, 25 technical presentations have been accepted, on various topics.