Graphical comparison between reference, validation and estimation data (to analyze koala
results only).
This routine displays a graphical comparison between reference & validation samples $\left\{y_k\in\mathbb{R}, k\in [1, N]\right\}$ & $\left\{y_k\in\mathbb{R}, k\in [1, N_v]\right\}$ obtained for different values $\left\{x_k\in\mathbb{R}^n,k \in [1, N]\right\}$ & $\left\{x_k\in\mathbb{R}^n,k \in [1, N_v]\right\}$ of some explanatory variables $x$, and an associated approximating function $f:\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$. The local approximation error $f(x_k)-y_k$ and the root-mean-square error are also computed to evaluate the accuracy of the approximation (see errapprox
for a complete description).
Input arguments
The first seven input arguments are mandatory:
fsym | Symbolic representation of the rational function $f$ (symbolic object), as provided by koala |
X | Values $\left\{x_k\in\mathbb{R}^n,k \in [1, N]\right\}$ of the explanatory variables $x$ used for optimization ($n\times N$ array, where X(:,k) corresponds to $x_k$). Note that $n$ can only be equal to 2 in this routine. |
Y | Samples $\left\{y_k\in\mathbb{R}, k\in [1, N]\right\}$ used for optimization ($1\times N$ array where Y(k) corresponds to $y_k$). |
names | Names of the explanatory variables $x$ ($1\times n$ cell array of strings). |
Xv | Values $\left\{x_k\in\mathbb{R}^n,k \in [1, N_v]\right\}$ of the explanatory variables $x$ used for validation ($n\times N_v$ array, where X(:,k) corresponds to $x_k$). Note that $n$ can only be equal to 2 in this routine. |
Yv | Samples $\left\{y_k\in\mathbb{R}, k\in [1, N_v]\right\}$ used for validation ($1\times N_v$ array where Y(k) corresponds to $y_k$). |
Vloo | Variance of a given output (Leave-One-Out type) as computed by koala on the estimation data X ($1\times N$ array). |
The eigth and ninth input arguments are optional ones.
CI | Confidence Interval (99%) of a given output as computed by koala on the data options.Xci ($1\times P$ array). |
options | Optional structured variable with fields:
See also